Mindfulness | Miscarriage | IVF | Surrogacy | Adoption | Parenting
The Power of Ending Every Workout With a Meditation, According to a Neuroscientist
Incorporating meditation or a mindfulness practice after your workouts can be very powerful. Curious about how a post-workout meditation can benefit your physical and mental health? Keep reading for everything you can look forward to.
22 Empowering Affirmations to Recite During Pregnancy
Pregnancy is an exciting, life-changing journey, but it often comes with its own set of challenges. When it’s all getting to be a bit much and you’re feeling overwhelmed, try turning to pregnancy affirmations for help.
3 Mindfulness Exercises to Practice with Kids
As we see our children growing up, we are constantly reminded of the preciousness of this time. So how can we slow down enough to appreciate these beautiful experiences with our kids?
What to Do When You Feel Like You’re Losing Control with Josephine Atluri
As we begin our journey into motherhood, even before conception, there is SO little control we have and this can feel frightening, uneasy and can even lead us to harming ourselves or those who love us.
3 Ways to Accept Your Body as it Changes
Pregnancy can be a wonderful time of transformation. At the same time, it can also feel difficult to cope with the physical changes that occur. When you strive for your body to look a certain way, it can feel challenging to shift your mindset from one viewpoint to another.
Why Moms Need to Shift Their Perspective on Asking for Help
Alturi reminds mothers to give themselves grace when asking for help and remember why it’s important to ask for help: to ensure their own well-being, as well as the well-being of their families.
3 lessons I’ve learned raising 3 sets of twins
For almost a year, I’ve had the pleasure of seeing people’s surprised expressions when I share that I’m a mom to seven kids, including three sets of twins. I’m enjoying these moments because it took me and my husband 17 tumultuous years of navigating infertility via international adoption, IVF, pregnancy loss and surrogacy to create our family.
Postpartum Planning For the 4th Trimester – 5 Things You Need In Your Postpartum Plan
Here are some suggestions for what to include in your postpartum care plan/proposal so you can feel fully supported during this momentous transition.
Motherhood Meets Medicine: Daily Mindfulness Practices for Busy Moms with Josephine Atluri
Mindfulness is so much more than meditation. It can help us manage our stress, fears, and anxieties. While we often think that we’re too busy to practice mindfulness, we’re not. There are various strategies that can be used throughout our busy days.
40,000 Steps Radio: Podcast Episode 68
Mindfulness and meditation coach Josephine Atluri has seven children, including three sets of twins. She has experienced all the highs, the lows, and tangled messes of complicated emotions that come with having children. Well into her family's journey, she discovered mindfulness and meditation. Now she shares the insights she wishes she had.
Mindfulness for Fertility: Everything You Need to Know
One way to support your emotional and mental health as you aspire to become a parent is to incorporate fertility mindfulness into your daily routine.
Baby Chick: Holiday Stress? 5 Tips for Staying Calm
Keeping calm can seem like an unattainable dream when you’re last-minute shopping for gifts or prepping for parties.
Parenting Our Future Podcast: Mindfulness for Parents with Josephine Atluri
Returning to the show is meditation and mindfulness expert, Josephine Atluri.
Hot Happy Mess Podcast: Episode 46 Exploring Alternative Routes to Motherhood
As Zuri explores her options on her journey to eventual motherhood, she wanted to hear from a pro.
6 ways to transform your mental health, by meditation coach Josephine Alturi
The approach I like best is to keep trying techniques, adding the ones that work best for you into your self-care toolkit.
Chaos N' Cookies: Mindful Motherhood with Josephine Atluri
She explains what being mindful means to promote a better relationship with yourself, kids, and everyone around you.
The Know with Nikki Spo: Episode 11: Mindful Parenting with Josephine Atluri
Josephine’s experience creating her modern-day family of seven children inspires her work as a highly sought-after fertility and parenting mindfulness coach.
Off The Record Podcast: Ep. 154. Mindful Parenting to Stay Calm and Connected with Josephine Atluri
It is the lack of free time that has stood in the way of staying calm, present, and connected to myself – which is where Josephine Atluri comes in.
Big Universe Podcast: Mindful Parenting
Josephine Atluri, mother of seven and an expert on mindfulness, joins Sarah and Jim to talk about mindful parenting and how we can have a joyful experience with our kids by keeping ourselves on a positive track.
Work 2 Live Well Podcast: A Mindful Moment
Parenting is challenging under the best of circumstances, but lately? Mindful parenting might be an excellent solution.